How brands embrace environmental, societal and ethical issues
A brand generates a deeper and more committed relationship with its consumers if it has clear purpose and values. As the world’s gaze turns to prominent environmental, societal and ethical issues, these subjects are increasingly intertwined with our personal believes and values. And these, in turn, are what we expect to see mirrored in the companies we purchase from, engage with and work for. In an ever more connected age, the companies who prosper are those who genuinely seek to strengthen values that face into these issues. It’s not about PR stunts, copy and paste policies or isolated programmes of activity. It’s the companies who aren’t afraid of not being perfect; of being a bit more human. It’s those who seek to truly understand what they stand for and who are willing to strive for both big and small change, for better, for champions at every level, and to learn and share (and that includes the mistakes) along the way.
Cat Leaver
of Brand & Content