Karen Anderson
b’arch. (hons), dip. arch.FRIAS. RIBA
Founding Partner
Anderson Bell Christie
Karen is an architect and founding partner of architectural design practice Anderson Christie (subsequently Anderson Bell Christie). She has worked throughout Scotland in urban and rural areas and won awards for architecture, urban design and masterplanning projects. She is active as a proponent of community participation and best practice in design and sits on a number of Design Awards Panels.
Karen recently stepped down after 8 years as Chair of Architecture and Design Scotland; was previously a Royal Fine Art Commissioner and taught architecture at the University of Strathclyde. She has advised Scottish Government on National Planning, Place and Architecture-related Policy and has been advisor to a number of Local Authorities on Planning and Design Strategy.
Karen and her partner Bruce Brebner have recently founded Hirta, a portal for Scottish Design and collaborative working. Their work together on this is a continuation of their own creative development in support of making Scotland a recognised ‘Design Nation’.