Clydebank Community Sports Hub

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DESIGN CRAFT: Craft - Incorporating: Photography, Typography, Illustration, Copywriting
Freytag Anderson
Marc Kilkenny Architects
Clydebank Community Sports Hub
We were approached by Marc Kilkenny Architects (MKA) to develop a community engagement concept for the Clydebank Community Sports Hub building re-development.An application of 4 cast concrete panels was proposed to relieve the brick front facade. We were commissioned to create and implement a design concept for these panels.We agreed a working approach of dividing the panels into a grid of individual 'tiles' and each 'tile' being divided into a geometric grid for design. Each 'tile' was then to be decorated by children from Whitecrook Primary and Glasgow Gaelic School using a selection of bespoke created building block inspired shapes around the theme of sport and or Clydebank itself. We ran workshops with MKA at the schools and were amazed at the level of excitement and interest the children had for the process. We wanted to make a concept which was all inclusive and allowed all children to participate regardless of artistic ability. The designs created were more amazing, thoughtful and interesting than we could have imagined and the idea of these being encapsulated on the building forever was something that really inspired the children.