Mungo’s Hi Fi Campaign




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Campaign Design


Warriors Studio


Mungo's Hi Fi


Future-proofing the twenty year legacy of renowned music collective Mungo’s Hi Fi with a new website, brand identity and launch campaign.

The collective reached out to us to help them move their brand forward with a focus on changing perception, improving their online presence, increasing digital sales and building a brand strategy for the future.

We helped Mungo's articulate their vision as a collective and developed their brand identity and website to better represent the collective and connect with their fanbase.

We helped Mungo’s connect with new audiences, excite their current fanbase and create a more open, accessible and inclusive vibe by digging deep to their roots.

The goals were about balancing strategic and business objectives with artistic and creative richness.
Opening up Mungo’s to a new generation of listeners while being loyal to their fanbase was a starting point. Alongside this, changing perception to represent the breadth of music Mungo’s play and release was also important. 

The new website improved brand perception, encouraged new listeners, increased downloads and boosted sales.

One of the main challenges was to respectfully build on a legacy of 21 years worth of visuals and culture organically built up by the collective and their collaborators. Lots of passionate people have contributed and it’s close to everybody’s heart so it’s delicate work building something new which is sensitive to the past but looks to the future.

The collective are also fiercely independent and have retained a very human and grassroots approach to what they do, simultaneously they are experienced professionals and veterans of the game. Balancing this experience, and professionalism while retaining a grassroots independent vibe through the design, campaign and website was difficult but we believe we’ve achieved and balanced this successfully.

The collective have seen boosted music sales, more bookings, connections with new audiences and feel more confident internally since completing the brand, website and campaign work:

"The work has given us a new start. We are already feeling it breaking down barriers to people who may previously have been put off.” Craig MacLeod, Mungo’s Hi Fi co-founder.

“We believe the brand in all of its forms (website, campaign, artwork, socials) is thoughtful, original and tasteful and represents us well.” Doug, Mungo’s Hi Fi co-founder

“We are more confident in our approach because we can all stand behind what we are presenting.” Jerome, Mungo’s Hi Fi

Check it out:
